Snowflakes in Split Ring Tatting by Karen Bovard
Snowflake #14
Here is a picture of this snowflake from the back cover of the book.
The first ring is the very center of the snowflake.
This is the interesting part of this pattern. Ring number one is under my finger, ring number 2 is still open. Ring number 3 was created by reversing my work and just tatting a regular ring with shuttle B. Then you go back to ring #2 and finish it. This is so cool.
I have just completed ring #3 and am finishing the split ring #2.
All 3 rings completed. This is so much fun.
Completed the second spoke of the 6.
All 6 spokes are completed. Next is working on the points.
I was working on this point the day before and stopped in the middle of the 2 ring process, well, things did not go well trying to figure out how to do it. That's probably why I quit in the first place.
It took me 3 tries to do the ring I am pointing at. The ring off the connecting split ring has to be done with shuttle B on the back side of the split ring. You can't close your ring if you try and do it with Shuttle A.
I finally gave up after messing another ring up and have to cut it off and try again twice. Now I have threads to hide. (I hate doing that after I'm finished)
Finished point number 2 on snowflake #14. This one is going to be larger then the last one.
I was working on this point the day before and stopped in the middle of the 2 ring process, well, things did not go well trying to figure out how to do it. That's probably why I quit in the first place.
It took me 3 tries to do the ring I am pointing at. The ring off the connecting split ring has to be done with shuttle B on the back side of the split ring. You can't close your ring if you try and do it with Shuttle A.
I finally gave up after messing another ring up and have to cut it off and try again twice. Now I have threads to hide. (I hate doing that after I'm finished)
Finished point number 2 on snowflake #14. This one is going to be larger then the last one.
Already starting another one ❄💖❄